Aerobic exercise

An aerobic exercise is a form of exercise in which the energy required for activity is provided primarily by aerobic metabolism. Exercise load and oxygen consumption are linear relationships oxygen metabolism state of exercise. In the process of aerobic exercise, the body’s oxygen intake and consumption to maintain a dynamic balance is characterized by low exercise intensity and long duration.

Aerobic exercise is divided into two modes:

1. Uniform aerobic: at a uniform and fixed speed for a certain period, the heart rate reaches a certain value almost constant, the relatively regular, and uniform occurrence of exercise. For example, fixed speed and resistance of the treadmill, bicycle, jump rope, etc.

2.Variable-speed aerobic: the body is stimulated by a higher load of heart rate so that the body’s anti-lactic acid capacity is improved. When the heart rate has not returned to quiet levels, the next training session is performed. This repeats the stimulation training many times, increasing lung capacity levels. As cardio-respiratory fitness increases, the maximal oxygen uptake level also increases significantly. Relatively the uniform aerobic lift will be greater and higher exertion. For example, variable speed running, boxing, HIIT, etc.

Aerobic exercise1

Functions of aerobic exercise:

1. Enhances cardiopulmonary function. During exercise, due to muscle contraction and the need for large amounts of energy and oxygen, the demand for oxygen increases, and the number of heart contractions, the amount of blood sent out per pressure, the number of breaths, and the degree of lung contraction are increased. So when the exercise continues, the muscles contract for a long time, and the heart and lungs must work hard to supply oxygen to the muscles, as well as carry away the waste products in the muscles. And this continuous demand can improve the endurance of the heart and lungs.

2. Improve the rate of fat loss. Heart rate is the most direct indicator of the effectiveness and intensity of aerobic exercise, and only training that reaches the overweight loss heart rate range is adequate. The main reason for fat burning is that aerobic exercise is the exercise that consumes the fattest content in the same amount of time as all exercises. Aerobic exercise first consumes the glycogen in the body and then uses the body fat to supply energy consumption.

Post time: Mar-24-2023