Combine the Aerobic Sport with Strength Training for Weight Loss


In the process of weight loss, with the accumulation of experience, we will know that weight loss does not simply mean a decrease in weight in numbers, but also a reduction in body fat percentage, that is, in the process of losing weight, to retain as much muscle as possible and to achieve a reduction in fat content. So in the choice of method can not just rely on diet, even if this will let you lose weight, but too dependent on diet and ignoring exercise, it will lead to a certain degree of muscle loss, so even if you become thin, there will be no major changes in the figure.

Therefore, in the process of fat loss, it is recommended to add the right amount of exercise, then, at this time, there are always friends who will ask, what kind of exercise fat loss effect is the best? To answer this question, there is a prerequisite, that is, in the diet is effectively controlled (control is not the same as dieting), the premise of exercise, and as for which kind of exercise fat loss effect is good, unfortunately not, because want to achieve good results through exercise, first of all, to see what kind of exercise they can do, rather than to do a good fat burning effect of exercise, in other words, a form of exercise fat burning The effect is good again, can not do it is useless, not only can not adhere to and will bring unnecessary damage to the body.

Compared with strength training, the fat-burning efficiency of aerobic exercise is more direct and effective, in the process of aerobic exercise, fat is directly involved in the energy supply, and regular aerobic exercise can not only increase your fat metabolism, which means that the proportion of fat energy supply is higher, and, aerobic exercise can improve cardiorespiratory function, which is more critical for health.

However, suppose you only do aerobic exercise without strength training. In that case, it will lead to a certain degree of muscle loss, and the ultimate goal of fat loss is to retain as much muscle as possible and lose fat, so from this point of view, aerobic exercise does not have the advantage.

Compared with aerobic exercise, strength training can increase your muscle mass, lower the low body fat rate, can help you shape your body and make it more defined, can improve the basal metabolic rate and hormone levels, and can allow you to better maintain the results of a lean body after slimming down.

However, from the fat-burning effect, although strength training can also burn off considerable calories, in the strength training process, although fat will not be involved in the energy supply, but will be consumed in the excess oxygen consumption after strength training, which is often referred to as the post-fat burning effect. So, although the cardio exercise will be worse compared to some, for friends who do not like cardio only strength training, but also with the diet to achieve the desired effect, at this time choose which is in your preference.

Post time: Jun-21-2023