1. Initial position: Lie on the leg curler with your knees just past the end of the squat plank. Adjust the resistance roller pad so that the back of your ankle is snugly under the pad. Grab the handle and inhale deeply.
2. Exercise process: Keeping your torso straight, contract your biceps to move the foam pad toward your hips, and when the movement reaches the midpoint, begin to exhale. At the top of the movement, squeeze your biceps hard, then slowly reverse back to the starting position.

1. When lifting the weight, the calf should not exceed the vertical plane. When restoring, the biceps femoris should be controlled with force. The legs are not completely straight, and the tension should be maintained. The movement process cannot rely on inertia. If this happens, it means that the weight is too light, you should increase the weight of the test lift appropriately, and pay attention to control the rhythm of the movement, such as the concentric contraction is slightly faster and the eccentric contraction is slightly slower.
2. Do not lift the hips when the biceps femoris is contracted hard. Avoid borrowing force. If this situation occurs, it means that the weight is too heavy, and the weight of the trial lift should be reduced, and the mind should focus on the contraction and extension of the agonist muscle.
Post time: Jul-15-2022