How to use the Sunsforce Leg Press?

Sunsforce Leg Press

1: The feet are perpendicular to the ground, and the heels of both feet are on the same horizontal plane, which is a straight line, and the entire sole of the foot is completely close to the pedal. The distance between the feet should not be too large, just slightly smaller than the shoulder width. Because it is training the quads of the thighs and thighs, the entire two legs are also kept straight, not outward or inward.

2: The upper body is close to the backboard, the chest is raised, the abdomen is closed, and the core is stabilized. The head can also be placed on the backboard. Sit on the stool with your buttocks, and do not leave the stool, whether it is bending your legs or pushing your buttocks up, you must not leave the stool. If you feel that your knees are pressing against your belly or your belly is squeezed when you are lowering, you can adjust the backrest and lower it back a little.

3: Barbell plate, if you are not familiar with it, or the movements are not familiar and standard, please choose light weight or no weight. If you are a skilled player, please choose the weight that suits you, don’t blindly compare, and don’t go beyond your own limits. Doing what you can is the most beautiful. If you need to break through a heavy weight and you are exhausted, please stop in time, or ask someone to help, don’t be embarrassed to speak, be careful that you are injured.

4: Safety handle, when the safety handle is not opened, it is fixed and holds up the instrument. After all your movements and postures are ready and your breathing is adjusted, you can open the safety handle and start practicing your legs. In the whole process of using the inverted kick machine to train legs, it is best to hold the safety handle with both hands to prevent the hand from borrowing strength, and to prevent accidents and exhaustion from quickly raising the safety handle.

Post time: Jun-01-2022