The standard movements of the bench chest press

at on a flat bench1. Lie flat on a flat bench, with your head, upper back and hips touching the bench surface and getting firm support. Legs naturally spread apart on the floor. Full grip (thumbs around the bar, opposite the other four fingers) of the barbell bar in the front hand (tigers facing each other). Grip distance between hands is slightly wider than shoulder width.

2. Remove the barbell from the bench press rack with your arms straight so that the barbell is directly above your collarbone. Sink your shoulders and tighten your scapulae.

3. Then lower the barbell slowly and with full control, gently touching the chest slightly below the nipples. Immediately push the barbell up and back slightly so that the barbell is back above the collarbone. The elbows can be locked or not fully extended at this point. The scapulae remain tight.

Grip distance: different grip distance has different effect. Grip distance is different, the focus of the exercise will be different as well. A wider grip focuses on the chest, while a narrower grip stimulates the triceps and deltoids a bit more. Each person’s body structure is different (arm length, shoulder width), you need to control the grip distance according to your own situation.

Post time: Jun-01-2022